How to apply

How do you file for our line of credit:

  • You must be 18 years of age or plus and be a Canadian resident.
  • You must have a mail home address.
  • You must have a valid and connected telephone number.
  • You are not part of a welfare program
  • You do not collect unemployment insurance
  • You do not receive AISH (disability Alberta)
  • You do not receive ODSP (disability Ontario)
  • You do not receive British Columbia disability assistance
  • You do not receive parental insurance plan
  • You do not receive family allocations
  • You do not receive grant and scholarship
  • Adjusted to your working pay, you reimburse your line of credit either on a weekly, bi-weekly or monhlty basis.
  • The line of credit interest rate will be set at 19.99% per year.
  • Warranty costs are applicable.
  • The authorised amount will fit your financial situation and your needs
  • The interests are only applicable on your balance
  • Line of credit reimbursment is set to be flexible on its terms and on the payments
  • Easy access to your fund (money transfer through Interacmc)
  • Interests rate is calculated on a daily basis
  • Our data is secured on your dedicated homepage set on our website
  • You may plan your payments according to your budget
  • The credit package includes a life and disability insurance plan protection.
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